Stain Tips to AVOID
While the internet has useful tips on just about everything, some of their stain removal tactics are a recipe
for disaster. In many cases, using home remedies can cause a stain to become worse and tougher to
remove. So we’re here to share what stain removing methods you should avoid when treating stains from home:
Stain removing sticks: The reason we advise against these is because they often contain either bleach
or some kind of alcohol that can pull the color from the fabric. Instructions on these sticks usually suggest
rubbing the stain. Doing so can cause more problems for your stain. It can result in the stain just
spreading and becoming harder to remove.
Hairspray, Nail Polish Remover, Toothpaste: These are all household products that have one
thing in common—Alcohol. Again, alcohol isn’t great for your clothes. It often results in color loss or
staining your garment. As a general rule if you are going to try to get the stain our at home, check the
ingredients listing. If you’re not sure, bring the garment to us and our team of experts will take a look!