How to Remove BBQ Sauce
As the 4th of July approaches, backyard barbecues are favorite family activities, especially if Dad does the cooking. However, it’s easy to get a barbecue sauce stain on your clothing. Here’s a few simple steps to get that barbecue sauce stain out in no time. If you still can’t remove the stain after all of this, bring the garment to us, and we’ll give it our best shot!
- Remove excess barbecue sauce off the stained item. Dab it off with your finger, a sponge or a paper towel. (But do not start rubbing the stain – this can damage the fabric.
- Rinse the stained fabric with cold water. Run the water through the back of the barbecue sauce stain to help get the stain out of the item.
- Rub detergent into the barbecue sauce stain. You can use a regular liquid detergent or a solvent such as glycerin. Use your fingers or a sponge to work the detergent into the fabric. Continue rubbing the stain with detergent until the stain no longer appears and then rinse with cold water.
- Use a spray or a gel stain remover and apply it to the barbecue stain. Allow the item to sit for 5 to 15 minutes for best results.
- Wash your item with detergent in a regular wash cycle.
- Check the item for any remaining evidence of the barbecue sauce stain after washing. If any stain remains, bring the garment to us.
- Dry the item in your clothes dryer or hang the item in the sun to dry.
**do not put the garment in the dryer unless the stain has been removed or the stain will set.